11 cose da fare a Fes, Marocco (Guida completa)

11 Things To Do in Fes, Morocco (Complete Guide)

Mystical, magical Fes: a remarkable city located in Morocco, a UNESCO world heritage site, and home to the oldest and largest medina in North Africa! The city was once the capital of Morocco and is still widely viewed as the cultural epicenter of the country. Explore inside the medieval walls of the wonderfully chaotic medina, and discover towers of spices, traditional handicrafts, hammams, and tanneries. The past is alive here, so take one or two days to enjoy all the best things to do in Fes!


Visita guidata di un giorno di Marrakech e dei suoi giardini

One Day Guided Tour Of Marrakech Sightseeing And Its Gardens



Guided tour of Marrakech begins with a transfer from your accommodation and begins with a journey of exploration with an experienced guide, art historian, who will take you to discover one of the oldest imperial cities of Morocco , during this guided tour of Marrakech.

In the morning, you will Explore the wonderful history of the famous Majorelle Garden, discover more about the french designer Yves Saint Laurent restored the garden archicture, stroll through the shady streets and learn more about the origins of the fantasy of exotic plants. A landscape garden designed by French artist Jacques Majorelle. Explore the garden paths, fountains, and cactus gardens, listening for the 15 species of birds that live within the 12-acre space.

Lunch will be served in a restaurant of your choice in the heart of the medina.

Later you’ll visit the famous Palais de Bahia, with its fantastic courtyards and mosaic walls built for Bou Ahmed. Stroll through the Jewish Quarter and notice the difference in architecture in this district. Visit the hidden Saadian tombs built during the reign of Sultan Ahmed El Mansour in 1557.

You’ll arrive at the Koutoubia mosque and the Djemaael Fna-square, where you can drink some fresh pressed orange juice while observing the bustle of the snake charmers, henna tatoo artists and water sellers.


Highlights :

  • Visit the most beautiful palaces and monuments of Marrakech, including the Bahia Palace.
  • visit the Saadian tombs, discovered and restored recently in 1917.
  • Stroll through the maze of narrow streets of the medina and visit the famous souk.
  • Watch the amazing spectacle of the Djemaa El Fna square.
  • Explore the Botanic gardens of Majorel and visit the Berber museum.
  • Go through the labyrinth souks and discover the artisans workshops.
  • many stops for taking pictures on the road back to your hotel in Marrakech, including Koutoubia, Dar El Bacha, Medersa Ben Youssef.

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Gita di un giorno da Marrakech alle cascate di Ouzoud e ai villaggi berberi

One Day Trip From Marrakech To Ouzoud Waterfalls And Berber Villages



Departure from your hotel or riad in Marrakech early in the morning at 8 am and you will be accompanied by an English speaking driver / guide. The road that you take crosses the plain of Haouz and a succession of villages and small towns. A mountain road then leads to Ouzoud Falls, about 110 meters high, located in the province of Tanaghmeilt, 150 kilometers from Marrakech, in the Atlas Mountains.

The walk near the waterfalls is really beautiful; you can approach the waterfalls on both sides while contemplating the fauna and flora of the region. Do not be surprised to see monkeys that are very numerous.

The more intrepid can opt for a swim in the river; the water is very clean even if its temperature is not very high.

Descent to discover the beautiful waterfalls that spring among the olive trees. You take a nice walk around the area and see the signs. Lunch in a restaurant with panoramic views of the waterfalls. Return to Marrakech by the same road. Arrive at your hotel or riad at the end of the day.


Highlights :

  • Meet the Barbary apes/wild monkeys
  • Enjoy a Moroccan tajine after a guided walking tour to waterfalls
  • The observation of the Moroccan fauna and flora
  • The opportunity to explore the falls site at your own pace
  • The discovery of the most beautiful waterfalls of Morocco
  • The journey through the Middle Atlas Mountains

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Gita di un giorno da Marrakech a Essaouira e alla fortezza di Portogeuse

Gita di un giorno da Marrakech a Essaouira Mogador e Fortezza Portoghese


Lasciate Marrakech alle 08:00, pronti per un viaggio di 3 ore verso la bellissima Essaouira, sulla costa atlantica.

Una volta arrivati nella città portuale, un tempo conosciuta come Mogador, avrete il tempo di ammirare le affascinanti attrazioni di Essaouira, tra cui le sue mura color ocra, la bellissima piazza Moulay El Hassan e i souk, oltre alle stradine della vecchia Medina della città.

Pranzo a base di pesce fresco in un ristorante locale.

Durante il viaggio, visitate un’associazione di donne berbere che producono olio di argan, visitate i mercati locali, il quartiere degli andeler. stupirsi delle gemme del gioiello

Rientrerete a Marrakech alla fine del pomeriggio, con arrivo nella “Città Rossa” intorno alle 19:00.

La gita di un giorno a Essaouira da Marrakech è un’escursione da non perdere durante il soggiorno a Marrakech. Essaouira è una piccola città fortificata ai margini dell’Atlantico. Situata a 180 chilometri a ovest di Marrakech, la spiaggia di Essaouira è un lungo nastro di circa dieci chilometri bagnato dalle onde. Le sue dimensioni sono sorprendenti e la sua tranquillità è rassicurante. La brezza dell’oceano vi rinvigorisce non appena mettete piede sulla sabbia immacolata e ammirerete anche la vista delle capre sugli alberi. Essaouira è una città medievale nota per il suo festival annuale di musica Gnaoua. L’UNESCO considera la città come patrimonio internazionale. Ci sono molte altre cose da ammirare durante la vostra gita di un giorno a Essaouira da Marrakech, come il clima piacevole, la piazza Moulay El Hassan, La Skala, il porto, i bastioni e il quartiere ebraico “Derb Lealouj”. Grazie alla brezza oceanica, Essaouira beneficia di un’aria fresca.

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Viaggio di un giorno da Marrakech a Ouarzazate e alle Kasbah dell’Unesco

One Day Trip From Marrakech To Ouarzazate And Unesco Kasbahs



Ouarzazate is one of the most popular Moroccan sites for filmmakers around the world. one of the cinematographic strengths of this place is the quality of the light, its popularity increases with the realization of Lawrence of Arabia in 1962, shot in particular on the site of Ait-Ben-Haddou, a small village near Ouarzazate having been listed as World Heritage.

Ait Ben Haddou is a Kasbah (fortified city) located 30 kilometers from Ouarzazate. Like Atlas Studios, the Kasbah has been filmed dozens of times and features in such great classics as Lawrence of Arabia, Gladiator, The Mummy and The Nile Diamond.

Kasbah Taourirt is another fortified city around Ouarzazate. The construction was made of clay, has two crenellated towers and is considered one of the best preserved kasbahs in Morocco.

Highlights :

  • Discover the World heritage UNESCO kasbahs
  • Have a guided walking tour to Ait ben Haddou kasbah
  • Enjoy a traditional lunch at a local restaurant with panoramic view on the Kasbah
  • Visit the cinema museum of Ouarzazate
  • Explore the berber villages of the high atlas and enjoy the beautiful landscapes.
  • Travel to traditional city of Ouarzazate

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Gita di un giorno da Marrakech alle cascate della Valle dell’Ourika e alle montagne dell’Atlante

One Day Trip From Marrakech To Ourika Valley Waterfalls And Atlas Mountains


If you love nature, the waterfalls will undoubtedly be the highlight of the visit. Many people take the opportunity to swim in the river, but you will doubtless suspect that the water is icy. The first of the waterfalls is easily accessible, but you will have to venture further to access the following ones. You will have to climb and climb to access some of the waterfalls, so we advise you to put on appropriate shoes.

In theory, this is a visit to the heart of traditional Berber life in mountain villages. Once there, you will realize that what you experience as a typical life experience is actually a theatrical spectacle for tourists. As a rule, the father shows you around his house and prepares a mint tea.

The most popular traditional weekly markets in the area are Ourika (Monday) and Aghbalou (Thursday). If you arrive in the valley from the mountains, Tahanaout (Tuesday) and Asni (Saturday), you will discover other interesting markets.

Highlights :

  • Explore the berber villages and discover the life in the mountains
  • Travel to traditional Berber villages
  • Explore the valleys of Ourika accompanied by a professional and experienced guide
  • Traditional markets: The most popular in the area are Ourika (Monday) and Aghbalou (Thursday)
  • Enjoy a traditional lunch at ourika valley by the river or in panoramic terrace
  • Admire the waterfalls of the Ourika Valley in a guided hiking tour

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Visita guidata di un giorno della città di Fes

One Day Guided City Tour Of Fes Sightseeing


During this guided tour of the city of Fez, you will walk in the alleys of the medina of Fez, authentic and traditional that lives to the rhythm of history, and discover its Koranic schools, its medersas (Attarine, Bounania, etc.). ), its fountains, its Andalusian style palaces, its mausoleum (Moulay Idriss II, Sidi Ahmed Tijani, etc.), the Al Karaouiyine University, the oldest in the world. Visit the many theme souks and numerous craft workshops, the famous tanners ‘quarter, the weavers’ quarter, the cabinet makers, etc. observing the age-old craftsmanship. The day includes a lunch in a typical Moroccan restaurant in the heart of the medina of Fez.

Here are some places you will see during the visit:

  • Andalusian Quarter
  • Tannery Chouara
  • Al Quaraouiyine Mosque
  • Bab Bou Jeloud’s door
  • Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss
  • Seffarin Square
  • Madrasa Attarine
  • The different souks of Fez
  • Talaa Kbira and Talaa Sghira

Highlights :

    • Visit the Mirinid tombs and enjoy the overview of Fes Medina
    • Visit to ceramic factory and discover the Artisans of Fes
    • Visit Al-Qarawiyyin University, the oldest operating university in the world
    • See Bab Boujloud Gate with its colorful ceramic decorations
    • Discover fes from the panoramic view
    • Visit the ramparts and discover the museums of fes
    • Explore the old medina and enjoy the labyrinth colorful souks

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Gita di un giorno da Fes a Meknes e alle rovine romane di Volubilis

Gita di un giorno da Fes a Meknes e alle rovine romane di Volubilis


Alle 9:00 prendete la vostra camera a Fez in direzione di Volubilis per esplorare le rovine romane di Volubilis e trascorrere abbastanza tempo per esplorare le rovine di 2000 anni e farsi un’idea della vita durante l’Impero Romano. Moulay Idris, fondatore di Fez, una delle città più sacre del Marocco. Proseguimento per Meknes per esplorare la splendida medina e ammirare le sue magnifiche porte e mura con porte monumentali risalenti al XVII secolo, tra cui Berdaïne Bab, Bab Khemis. Continuiamo a esplorare le scuderie reali e le soffitte (HERI SOUANI).

Fermatevi al mausoleo di Moulay Ismail, che per molto tempo è stata l’unica moschea che i non musulmani possono visitare in Marocco, per poi lasciarla alla famosa porta Bab Mansour El sulla vasta piazza Hedim. Dall’altro lato della piazza, il museo d’arte marocchina “Dar Jamai” offre un’ampia varietà di prodotti artigianali.

Punti salienti :

  • Godetevi le belle porte di Meknes, bab el mansour e bb lakhmiss
  • Godetevi gli splendidi e pittoreschi paesaggi dell’Alto e Medio Atlante.
  • Esplorate la medina di Meknes, la quarta città imperiale, e scoprite le sue bellissime porte.
  • Scoprite l’architettura marocchina e attraversate l’antica civiltà
  • Le rovine romane di Volubilis risalgono al 3 a.C.
  • Visitare le città più sacre del Marocco a Moulay Idriss Zerhoun

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One Day Guided Tour Of Casablanca Sightseeing



Stroll through the Habous area known for its small squares and arcaded alleys: the marriage between a modern urban establishment and the labyrinthine passages of the traditional medina. Continue to visit the United Nations Square and the beautiful Mohammed V Square. Then join the central market to admire the royal palace of the city.

A fine example of successful adaptation of modern urbanism to the style of a traditional medina. You will visit the United Nations Square, the Mohammed V Square, the Central Market, the Royal Palace, the Habbous district, the Mehkama court, the Notre-Dame de Lourdes cathedral, the residential district of Anfa and the visit of the famous Hassan II. Mosque and the new Morocco Mall, along Cornwall (seaside).

Highlights :

  • Shop for souvenirs at the city’s shopping center and stroll along the Ain Diab Corniche
  • Visit Hassan II Mosque and admire the largest minaret in the world
  • Enjoy a Moroccan traditional lunch in a local restaurant by the Atlantic Ocean
  • Discover Casablanca’s flagship sites including Notre Dame Cathedral and the Central Market

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